

I am an African child

Darkened and strengthened by the sun

Taught bravery by my forefathers

Inspired by the actions of my elders

Overjoyed by who I am


Here in my home you judge me by my color

Just because I am darkened by the sun

Doesn't reduce by capabilities

Your mother might be white and mine dark

But all gave the same love!

You might have played in snow and I in sand

But frankly, we all played in our childhood!

You might be White and I dark

But honestly, we all do breathe the same odorless and colorless oxygen!


You came here to help us

To teach us civilization you say

Or is it the salvation of your faith?

Aah! You said it’s to save us from ignorance, war and hunger!

Africa welcomes you all

Even when it knows you have come to destroy more!


I am an African child

With a lion's courageous soul, I step out

And abundant pride in my skin

That shines and carries the African sense of belongingness

Africa is what my lips are entitled to whisper

My heart sings joy at the hearing of it

Proud to be a product of Africa.


By Adong Magok Ater
